There is one certain place that I will always remember. At times whenever I don’t want to get wet because I can’t embrace the rain, or whenever the sun strikes too much. Right after I called it a day, and even more when I sing myself Lighthouse Family’s ‘Whatever Gets You Through the Day’.
I would simply curl my body against yours and I know that I am less alone in this world. And every time I do it like that, you will find my hands in yours and hold them closer to my heart.
The place is labeled as my utmost favorite corner. Whenever I feel to give up, or think that a big time positivity is overrated, or confess that I am weak and lonely, I would curl up and find you don’t share the same view. Because this place is warm, even if I show too much skin off. And for the reason that your eyes radiates and the way your flesh glows under the dim light. Even though I can’t see it, ‘cause my eyes are usually wide shut.
And I know that I would rate the place with five stars. Because no matter how jumpy or tired I am, there is always a bliss. And it doesn’t matter the next thing I do, whether I will smile, or cry, or simply say nothing since I only want to feel to be next to you. And whatever words come out of my mouth whether I curse the world or exaggeratedly praise the sun. You will response with, I love you more.
And you will say that everything is going to be alright. And even though I know it’s a lie because not all things turn out exactly the way I want to be, and this little demanding girl does not always get what she wants. But it feels so good to know that somebody also hopes for the same thing.
At all times the world is just too mean and the weather gets too harsh, I just want to curl up. Because right there, at the curve of your body, I believe it is the most comfortable zone on earth.