Illustration by Design Love Fest |
The truth is, I’m a little bit sad today with the demand of this fast world. It’s not enough that you are something, you gotta do what it takes to keep you in the market. It’s not enough that you produce good stuffs, you gotta keep up with the marketing to keep rolling. When you are beautiful, brilliant and radiant, everybody would want something of you. And sometimes it takes a lot to keep on giving.
I’m not naive, I know there’s business models, balancing where ends meet and other logistics. There are middleman and messengers in between. It is never as simple as farm to kitchen to table. It’s not enough that we survive with hunting and cooking skills. The world is so much more complicated now, that we have to understand spreadsheets. With the advancement of technology, shouldn’t life be simpler?
And often I wonder, is this the picture of success would be? When I was a kid, I always wanted to be an architect, innocently thought that I would be drawing, drawing and drawing. Never crossed my mind that it includes dealing with clients, building the company and making sure there’s enough coffee beans in the pantry. And that kid with assortment of pencil color, did she wonder about her salary digits? Or the type of couch she could afford?
Life is simple, or not?