Walk on Water

Recently, I found my self grew a fond of something new. Well, it might have been exist for a long time, and I’ve already know it from the Introduction of Oceanography lecture. But when the time is finally arrived, and I eventually met it, eye to eye, I can’t help but falling in love all over.

Sand dune.
It is as beautiful as it is. Stretching in the middle of the strait, connecting blue turquoise water in between and made you feel like walk on water.
Yes, meeting you, eye to eye, and dare you to say the words, would be a walk on water.

Another thing is... The sand dune is temporary. It is only available at the time of low tide. Fling mode on. Nothing last forever. And the reality just hit me right there. Even such a beautiful thing like this, will be ripped of from us anyway.

The sand dune in you, a walk on water, and then an on and off mode. Reality Bites.

Picture of Karimun Jawa Islands.

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