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Happy New Year 2006 for everyone…
Hope all the best will come to you in upcoming years.
Yeah, I do shout it loud with all my heart

New Year.
Everything new in me. Let’s say… from
status... used to be ina relationship
location... used to be in Bandung
job... used to be part of junior-scientist-wanna-be-team
company... used to be PPKPL ITB
address... used to be saturnus
roommate... used to be alone
love... used to be the four boyfriends

Everything has changed. Plus... A new pair of cross training shoes. A new laptop called 'Sogi' and on thing that really made my day on new years: a brand new blue bucket!!

I need changes in life. I always do.

A new hope is something I add on my wish list. But, according to my past experience, is the new hope still the biggest liar? If it’s true, then it’s all the same. I need a new one. The one who will not lie to me. And somehow I think that I probaly find it. Not later.


perempuan said...

selamat taun baruu.. doakan taun ini lioni jadi baruuuww!! :)

M. Lim said...

Mindang encok ngenet tapi gag dapet apa-2
tahun baru pacar baru
kenapa Sogi? karena leptop itu buncit dan giginya gingsul? hihihi itu sih Indraduadja
tapi asyiikkk
Mindang laper niy pingin bubur mang Oyo

may hendrawati said...

Dita..selamat menghadapi tahun yang baru :-)

kemaren blognya juga baru bikin lagi Dit, baru sebulan. makanya belum sempet mampir2

sekarang di Aceh ?
ngapain Dit ?

asik euy..pengen ke Aceh juga

ishtar said...

met taun baru..blognya keren, gw link yah?

ocean said...

hua.. dita maap baru liat komennya tadi huhu... malem minggu aku ga ol euy, tumben ga nge-date neng dita?! =) met idul adha!

International Women’s Day

It’s the 8th of March today and acknowledged globally to celebrate women. I woke up at my usual waking time - an hour snooze after my alarm ...