After all...

*nyanyikan dengan nada Cardigan lagi*

After… a day for travelling 8 hours back and forth

After… spending hour seated besides Franky (think twice about having skinny guy as a boyfriend.. but can’t
resist them sow much!)

After… a little scoop of ice cream that ruined everything

After… hanging round with Putri (12), Sinta (11) and Diana (3)… and had fun together

After… long, and raining road back home

After… cold and cuddled in my white jacket beside him

After… keep thinking, why is it hard for me to swallow?

After… hello, I’m sick!

After… two days feeling dizzy

After… high fever and typhus-phobia feeling

After… I know this is that naughty nostril again!!

After… all-i-want-to-do-is-sleep days

After… penicillin that killed my stomache

After… plain bitter for everyfood I tasted

After… two days staring through my windows

...After all…

dancing around with Carnival song

Just two days and I'm feeling free to sing and dance again. Being alone makes this sick stays longer. Ahh.. Sow much healing energy in this city!! And I'm dancing again... Waiting for Abah and Franky who will come and send me my left umbrella. A call to go back home.

I will never know… cause you will never show..
Come on and love me now, come on and love me now..

Ouw, Lamsenia... You got me again!!!

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